Prairie Energy Resources - Cities and Towns

Cities and Towns

Prairie Energy Resources - Rural Municipalities

Rural Municipalities

Prairie Energy Resources - Acreages and Farms

Acreages and Farms

Stop road problems before they start, with GreenBond.

Traffic breaks down the road surface causing ruts, washboard, and other hazardous problems. Unchecked deterioration leads to costly road rebuilds and higher road maintenance costs, not to mention complaints by local citizens. GreenBond will stop the damage before it starts by maintaining a clean, solid, smooth travelling surface. Our product provides cohesive properties which increases surface tension helping stabilize the road surface, preventing erosion and repelling water.

GreenBond can be applied to all gravel roads, parking lots, schools, airports; anywhere airborne dust forms. Application is one pass and product can be applied next to rivers, lakes, and ponds. GreenBond repels water, creates a safe driving environment, limits maintenance, and reduces road erosion.

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